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This is the main halway as you enter the house from the front door

A mix of old and new brick have been used to make walkways between the farmhouse and the driveway, from the farmhouse to the garden and from the side porch to the front of the house. More than 350 linear feet of bricks have been laid in wide paths that will allow for easy access for everyone regardless of the weather.
The front 2 rooms and hall suggest two likely post-1840’s renovations. About 1870, after Henry Case became head of the household, the renovation brought the front porch, new front door (possibly a double doorway) and four lowered font windows The staircase was rebuilt with robust walnut newel balustrades and handrail At this time, the 2/2 window sash could have replaced the original 6/6 sash in the west, south and east windows of the first floor. The surface-mounted horizontal rim locks with Bennington-type (called mineral) knows like came at this time, thought they may have come circa 1845.
The 1910’s or 1920’s about the time Henry Barlow married or gained deed to the land, brought the second renovation: The front doorway with sidelights and the transom, the Colonial Revival six-panel door, and the Craftsman fireplace. The conversion of the west room to two rooms likely happened about the same time as the removal of the front porch. One room from 2 occasioned the removal of 2 fireplaces or stove flues in the west room the removal of a wall separating the two rooms, the introduction of new baseboard and the Colonial Revival window and door molding in the west room and hall.

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