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East Parlor

This Room is on the right as you enter the house from the Front Door

EAST PARLOR: circa 1840
This room way have been this original parlor as it I has the fanciest trim, narrowest and most regular floor boards, a six-panel door and once had a hearth on the east wall just north of the east window. The baseboard does not indicate the presence of an early mantel suggesting this room had a stove rather than a fireplace.

Henry and Isable Barlow lived in the house (1910), they used this room as their bedroom. It was heated by a pot belly wood stove which was erected every fall and dismantled in the spring. The boys would heat soap stone to keep to their feet warm at night as they wasn’t any heat in the upstairs except for what came up through a ceiling floor register.

In the 1990’s when the Don and Emily Barlow family lived here, this room was the master bedroom and the reception room was the bathroom. Dennis Barlow recalls that his sister Janet Barlow’s room was directly above and through the vents, she always knew what was going on because she could hear what her parents were saying.

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