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Dining Room

The Dining room has a door from the side porch and opens to the Foyer and Kitchen

The carpet in this room is an Axminster documented period reproduction laid wall to wall, as was the custom of the period. The 1860 cherry step-back cupboard is an Ohio piece filled with examples of serving dishes. Some of the earliest artifacts in the dining room are the Connecticut dishes, Seth Thomas clock, mahogany demi-lune table and the reverse painted mirror showing a steam ship on the Ohio River are all original and form the 1830’s. The walnut table and six grain painted chairs with cane seats were acquired with grants from Questers and the Hudson League for Service. Notice the candlesticks are from a girandole set having a brass bear and beehive motif and coffin cut prisms. Also display is a pair of Pittsburgh Glass flint candlesticks c.1840.

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